What to Expect

It all starts with creating a good fit.  When you come through our doors, we are evaluating constantly to understand your concerns, determine what is needed, and present you with the best possible fit for your unique situation. The more information we have, the better.  We match your complex issues with an equally complex process to create the best possible fit. 

What Makes Us Different

We are a nationally recognized Center with  expertise in counseling the gifted, complex, and exceptional.  With over 65 years of combined experience, our process goes beyond normal therapy.  Understanding how intelligence, learning, and development affect the presenting issues is a necessary component to working with the gifted. This is where we shine.


We can handle a lot, but not everything.  Clients that have moderate to severe psychiatric issues are not within our scope of work.  The same goes for clients who have untreated substance use issues.  Neither of those restrictions should stop you from reaching out. We can guide the process of helping you even if we're not the ones doing it. 



Mental Health Concerns

Learning Issues

Social Skills

Executive Functioning

Language Processing

Identity Development

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